Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mommy and Me Preschool

Today was Audrey's first day of "Mommy and Me" Preschool. I have to say I absolutely LOVE this concept. Audrey has always been very clingy to me so the thought of dropping her off by herself would never cross my mind but having the ability to go with her seemed just perfect for us. I'm hoping this year gives us a great chance to slowly transition to being at school alone. 

Last night we talked about school, we talked about what happens at school and read some books about preschool. I had a brand new outfit ready to go. It was all going to go perfect, right??

The cute outfit I had in mind....
NOT happening, mom!
In fact, she was pretty clear that she wasn't wearing any clothes to school. 
Oh boy!

Our mornings are on a tight schedule because we put our neighbor on the bus. We have to be outside by 8:10 and then we need to leave for school by 8:20. That leaves little time to negotiate with a toddler who does not want to wear any clothes. So after dodging some arm and leg kicks, I managed to get a dress AND cardigan on Audrey.  

She had some time to calm down outside and show off her new book bag to all of the big kids! 

Then it was off to school....

Yay, we have a SMILE!! 

Audrey did great until it was time for circle time. It was all a little overwhelming for her and I can totally understand that. Here we are living this moment that we have been talking about over and over! I bet she could have been remembering the books we read with kids in preschool acting happy and comfortable in their surroundings. I think her not feeling totally comfortable made her upset because she knew she was supposed to be. And mix that with all of the emotions of this big day and it turned into one huge outburst. Poor little sweetie! The thought crossed my mind that I made a BIG mistake, maybe I was even going to be asked to go home (I know crazy right). We just stood in the corner and took in this huge classroom and the teacher and the kids and got out all of the emotions and THEN.......

It was time for fun!!!
Look at this cool dollhouse!

Playing with tools

Outside at recess

Twisty slide!

Okay, I think at this point I can safely say she had a GREAT time today! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ballet Class

We signed Audrey up for ballet class a few weeks ago and it's been such a fun experience for the both of us. Each class reminds me of all the sweet innocence associated with being a little girl. The dancing, tip-toeing, spinning, giggling, smiling. I would love to bottle this all up and keep it forever - well, I guess I can do that with my memories but these are just the blissful mommy/daughter moments that I know I NEVER want to end. Can I please keep her this little forever???

Following the teacher Audrey

"hey teacher....catch up"

Learning to dance with big and little movements

Practicing jumping skills

jumping on the air mat

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This is a typical scene in my morning routine. Audrey usually sits in the sink and helps me put on makeup. Our cat Lucy, loves to sit in the sink too, so this setup works great for them (just not me). I'm wondering if they make a triple sink countertop?? I LOVE that she still fits in this sink! Can I please keep her this little forever?

Jason's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jason! Although we celebrated Jason's birthday a few weeks ago, he is still talking about the little surprise I got for him.....

Deep dish pizza straight from Chicago! 

This was one seriously happy husband....

In all honesty, he totally deserved WAAAY more than this pizza but my boss Audrey only pays me with kisses and giggles (not a bad deal though, right?). Really, I don't know what I would ever do without Jason. I'm so happy to be here - with my husband/best friend and our little family celebrating his birthday, can't think of a better way to end the summer!