Thursday, August 23, 2012

More Summer Fun

Here is a little more of what we have been doing this summer :)

At the park

Visiting Audrey's NEW preschool!!!! 

Spending LOTS of time in the Library

Shopping for room decor

Kissing Daddy because he bought me a cupcake

Mommy drinks coffee and Audrey drinks "coffee water"

Just one of the hundreds of silly pictures Audrey has taken with my phone

At the zoo with a new friend we made this summer

Audrey's new favorite animal attraction at the zoo - jellyfish. Jellyfish have been surpassed by penguins and flamingos. 

Reading a book at the zoo - why not?


Hanging out with Sophie

Audrey really enjoyed watching the Olympics this year. Anything involving the pool was a hit.  She's pretending she's diving.....

"Alphabet soup"

Great encounter with a bear at the zoo

Jason and I enjoyed a nice dinner out thanks to the iPad

Playing with Lucas

The Middaugh version of Breakfast with the Princesses

Reading at the Library again

It's much easier to take pictures of the dog than a toddler!

Typical bedtime friends - June, Rocket, Cinderella, Snow White with Tinkerbell pillow and blanket

Swinging at the park

Car ride with friend Melina

Audrey's first movie - Ice Age

Audrey's first french braid! 

Monday, August 13, 2012


Here is just a little of what we have been up to......

Building blanket forts

Riding our favorite animal on the merry-go-round at the zoo

Audrey and her "Gram" at the zoo

Helping mommy clean the house

Baking cupcakes


Pointing out every plane and bird that she sees! 

Playing with the Ipad on daddy


Hanging out with Aunt Sophie

Sharing many laughs

Family night at the zoo

Daddy/Daughter time

Petting a donkey for the first time

Audrey turned 2 1/2 this summer - with her favorite doll "June", Ipad and favorite book