Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Fun

Recently, we have been really enjoying our evenings with the sun lasting until 9pm. We have done a few late night playdates with Audrey's friend Lucas and they have so much fun together. I just love watching these two play. Lucas has so much fun energy and Audrey totally feeds off of it. They make great friends! 

Lucas and Audrey chasing each other 

Lucas taught Audrey how to hang the golf club in the tree, so fun! 

Lucas calls Jason "Daddy", it's so funny! 

Doing Monkey jumps and summersaults 

Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day weekend was so much fun - Jason came home early from work on Friday and we headed out to Hudson to check out their ice cream social and get dinner. We also went swimming in Mentor and did lots of playing around the house with Audrey.

At dinner with my loves

Audrey intently watching the little dancers on the blue mat
Audrey and Daddy


Playing games on the iPad

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Little Bit Of Our Weekend

On Friday, Audrey and I drove downtown to visit Jason at work - a long overdue visit! The last time we went, Audrey was probably about 6 or 8 months? Since then, Jason has been upgraded GORGEOUS office with a stunning view. It was great to visit and Audrey loved walking around to meet everyone. 
Audrey: "WOW"! 

Loving this view! 

Answering her daddy's phone

Lunch time!

We also went to Aurora Farms on Friday night to get shoes but those plans were diverted when Audrey's ice cream sugar high kicked into high gear. We ditched the shoe store and just fed the ducks instead. I have to admit, feeding the ducks was sooooo much more fun!! 

I snagged some cute green chairs at a garage sale this weekend and we immediately put them to good use by playing "school" with Audrey's stuffed animals. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lake Farm Park

This morning Audrey and I went with some friends to Lake Farm Park. This was our second time there (last time was sometime last summer) and Audrey seemed much more into the animals this time around. We even enjoyed a mini conversation on the way to the farm that went something like this: 

Me: Audrey, do you want to go to the farm? 
Audrey: Uh-huh
Me: Are we going to see a cow? 
Audrey: Cow
Me: What about a pig?
Audrey: *snorts like a pig*
Me: Goat? 
Audrey: Goat, Uh-huh

And that continued on as I listed all the animals. She's been doing an excellent job of repeating words back to me. I really think we are actually starting to have mini conversations now! It just thrills me!!! 

The goat on the bottom was so funny

I always ask Audrey if she wants "scratches or tickles" on her back and she always picks tickles. So I asked her if the goats wanted scratches or tickles. She said tickles....

The goats getting their backs tickled by Audrey! 


These piglets were only a few days old and insanely cute! 

Audrey enjoyed a snack with friends while I secretly prayed the hand sanitizer did its job!! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sophie's Graduation Day

My sister Sophie graduated from High School on Sunday. I'm so happy and proud of her. And I can say without a doubt that our dad was there in spirit on that day with tears in his eyes. She's grown into such a beautiful and caring young girl. She really has a great head on her shoulders, she isn't someone who "follows the crowd". She is truly her own person. She has this awesome sense of inner determination. She has a heart of gold. I cannot even explain how loving she is. There are so many things that make Sophie unique and that's why I KNOW she is going to do so well in college. 

Right now, I bet she has no idea how many valuable life lessons college is going to afford her. How she is going to change and change again, and again until she naturally grows into the person she is destined to be. How many new friendships she is going to make that will stay with her for the rest of her life. How those really hard times in college when you just want to give up and go home, are going to be stepping stones to all things great in her future. How college is the best place to make mistakes and learn from them. I bet she has no idea.... but I hope she knows that I'll always be here for her when she needs it the most! 

I love you Sophie!!! 

Wishing her all the best at The University of Toledo!!! 

Fun at the Park

We are fortunate to have so many wonderful parks near our house. However, there is one park that we frequent several times a week. We decided to go one night after dinner a few days ago as a family and we had such a fun time. Audrey even tried a new activity on the play equipment all on her own thinking. 

Running up and down the hill - I LOVE parks with grassy hills! 

Going down the slide

Such a happy girl

Climbing the ropes for the first time

I thought she was going to stop here but she kept going...

Determined to make it to the top on her own! 

She made it but needed her daddy's help on this part. Yay Audrey!!

Audrey and Jason swinging

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm feeling so behind in creating my blog posts that I'm just going to skip a few of the activities we did weeks ago and just start with Memorial Day weekend. We started off the weekend by having a small party with some neighbors and their kids. I had all intentions of taking lots of pictures that night but realized I had not taken any by the end of the day. Here is the one shot we got of Audrey and Kyla watching Mickey Mouse together after dinner :)

We went to Twinsburg Square to check out the flag display and burn some energy off before we headed to Jason's parents house for dinner.
Happy Memorial Day!

Pointing at every flag in the park! 

Audrey helping Nana water the grass

Running around the yard

The Middaugh Girls

We ended the weekend by going to Audrey's first parade. It was scorching hot that morning but we managed to last the entire parade. Audrey really enjoyed it!