Saturday, March 31, 2012

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

We went to breakfast with the Easter Bunny this morning at the zoo! It was just a simple breakfast, a few kids activities, Easter Bunny meet and greet, and an egg hunt which we happily eliminated from our adventure so we could sneak a few minutes with the penguins and flamingos. It started out as an early morning but Audrey was SUPER happy to put a ballerina style dress on and get out the door! 


Just realizing she's going to meet the Easter Bunny

This is a BIG moment in a little child's life!! 

This little crouch down is reminding me of our Disney trip! 

Happy Easter!!! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First day at The Little Gym

We signed Audrey up for The Little Gym and she had her first trial class this morning. I'm so glad we did this on a Saturday so Jason could come along too. We arrived a few minutes early and Audrey was busting at the seams to get inside the gym room to play. Once inside, she climbed and explored just about everything right away. It was such a fun class and I have a feeling Audrey is going to learn a TON of new things! We are going to try a few weekday classes and then pick which day she will go for the session. I have to say it was a great fun family activity for an early Saturday morning. By the time the class was over, it was 10am and we were already up, dressed, ate breakfast, did a fun activity and got coffee. I love productive mornings like that!! 

This is so fun!

She loved sitting in this "tower"

Balance beam with daddy

Trying a side step on the balance bar.....she didn't like this one too much


doing a double rolling somersault with her gym instructor! 


Playing Frisbee

not able to hang yet but we will get there soon enough! 

Hanging upside down for bubbles. Today, we learned that spinning, rolling, and hanging upside down strengthens  something in your ear that will help your body learn balance! 

Day at the Park

Yesterday Audrey and I met my sister Sophie at the park. We mostly played on the swings and took a walk to the nature center. Audrey loved swinging and we enjoyed her smiles and giggles while she was swinging. Really, there was nothing better than watching the pure joy on my daughters face as she swung back and forth - she was experiencing pure childhood bliss!! How lucky am I to capture that for her? 

Oh and also, it was another record breaking weather day with temps in the 80's! 

Pretty girls!! 

eek....a coyote!! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I brought some of Audrey's painting supplies outside today so we could paint and enjoy the gorgeous afternoon at the same time. So fun! 

Chauncey, do you want to paint?
I saved a few muffin containers and they are perfect for transporting paint because it has a lid and 6 little cups! 

Post painting mess :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Playing outside!

The weather has been so wonderful for the past few weeks and we have been doing so many fun things.  I decided to ditch my camera and just enjoy being in the moment with my family. On one hand, it can be a struggle to constantly take pictures because I'm missing out on actually joining in on the experience and fun. On the other hand, I want to capture Audrey's childhood and our fun family moments so we can always remember them. I must say that I enjoyed my time away from my camera but when I started taking pictures again it felt great. 

So here are a few pics I took last night of Audrey and her friend playing in the backyard. Oh and I must also mention that I'm loving our new fence! 

Melina and Audrey - they are so much bigger than last summer! 

When it was time to go in and get a bath, they kept hugging each other good bye. It was so precious!!